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MEXT Research Student Scholarship now available!

08 May 2019 2:05 PM | Anonymous

The Japan Information Center is delighted to announce that applications for the 2020 Japanese Government MEXT Research Student Scholarship are now available! This scholarship provides for college graduates to conduct an independent research project at a university in Japan under the supervision of a professor for 18 to 24 months. Any field of study is eligible for the scholarship, but applicants must find a professor at a Japanese university willing to supervise their research.


"Being able to further my education in Japan has truly been an experience of a lifetime." -Catherine Shasteen, MEXT Research Scholar and PhD candidate at the University of Tokyo (click the link to read Ms. Shasteen’s full account)


The application is available online at the Study Japan website: https://www.studyjapan.go.jp/jp/smap_stopj-applicationsruts.html.  Applications are due on Wednesday, June 5th. Applications should be submitted to the Japan Information Center in Chicago (737 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1000; Chicago, IL 60611).

Those who pass the initial application screening will be asked to sit for an interview and Japanese language exam at the Japan Information Center in Chicago on Tuesday, June 11th. Final selection will come from MEXT in February, with scholarship recipients departing for Japan in April or September of 2020.


Please feel free to pass this information along to your students and colleagues. For more information, please see the MEXT Scholarship website (https://www.chicago.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/mext.html), or the Study in Japan website (http://www.studyjapan.go.jp/en/).

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