JASSTL Japan Study Scholarship

Application Process

The application process is simple.

  1. Complete and submit the online application, including all documents indicated in the application, by the deadline.
  2. Following application review, the scholarship selection committee may require a virtual interview.

2025 Dates

  • March 15 - deadline
  • Week of April 7 - notification letters sent


The JASSTL Japan Study Scholarship is available to US citizens who live within the JASSTL constituent area (roughly within 100 miles of downtown St. Louis, including Illinois). Other than that, the restrictions on eligibility pertain to the program of study rather than to the applicant.

Program of Study

The JASSTL Japan Study Scholarship must be used toward a clearly defined program of study.

  • This may be, but NEED NOT be, a formal exchange program, study-abroad, or other official avenue.
  • It MAY be an entirely self-defined program of independent study, but such a program must be clearly and specifically described, including a specific objective and a clear methodology.

Use of Funds

Once awarded, the funds may be used as the recipient sees fit toward their program of study. Examples of eligible costs include...

  • program costs, such as tuition costs
  • travel to/from Japan
  • lodging in Japan
  • materials used in the program of study
  • publication of program outcomes


There are a TWO requirements for scholarship recipients.

  1. recipients MUST provide JASSTL with IRS form W9; JASSTL will NOT disburse scholarship funds until a W9 is received
  2. recipients agree to provide JASSTL with a report describing their experience, the impact of the program on the trajectory of their development, and the importance of the scholarship on the program

Scholarship Funds Available

In 2025, JASSTL will award a total of $5000 in scholarship funds, up to $1000 per recipient.

"Japan America Society of St. Louis" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
University of Missouri - St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis MO 63121-4400

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