Get your table together - or come by yourself (single seats now available) - and support study in Japan!
This 6th Annual JAS Trivia Night Fundraiser supports our Japan Study Scholarship fund. Last year and this year, we awarded $3000 to support study in Japan! We want to support even more students next year. Will you help us?
Join the event. Sponsor a round. Donate an auction item or restaurant gift card. Spread the word! Contact to learn how.
初めて - First Timers Half-Off!!
If you've never been to the JAS Trivia Night before, we want you to join us and see what a blast it is! So we are offering 50% off the non-member rate to anyone who has never been to our trivia night before. This includes non-members and members alike - $100 for a table of 8 or $12.50 for an individual.
Like Trivia? We have all the usual stuff...
Like Japan? Our trivia night has a few Japanese twists...
"Japan America Society of St. Louis" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. University of Missouri - St. Louis 362 SSB 1 University Boulevard St. Louis MO 63121-4400